Some news, as with Corona I’ve been quite silent.
Since the beginning of Fall 2020, I have been busy working on a new expanded solo with tenor saxophone and electronics.

This new project, Lignes de niveaux, is using Ambisonics on Supercollider to split, distribute, sample or modulate the saxophone live and in 3D.
It has been made possible through the kind support of the KdFS and its program Denkzeit and Musikfonds through the Neustart/Kultur program.

It will be premiered in Leipzig on the 25th of July thanks to the kind invitation of ZiMMT for its concert series Drive.

Other news are the preparation of the 2nd edition of the concert series LiLe with local musicians and guest from Switzerland, France, Germany and Spain and some plans with an ensemble for partly-determined music which played in our festival ZiXP in 2020.

I look forward for the restart of the cultural life and hope that we will be able to enjoy going to concerts, museums and al. soon.

Stay safe and see you around
